Thursday, May 15, 2008

Solutions from my soul

Unlike minds read differently the same issue,
They visualize it differently,
They review it,
They give out different ideas,

Different ideas lead to different opinions
Different opinion leads to individualities,
Which in turn leads to ego,
Egoistic approach leads to dogmatism,
Dogmatism leads to doubts,
Doubts lead to suspicion,
Suspicion leads to misunderstandings,
Misunderstandings lead to war,
War leads to irreparable wounds,
Irreparable wounds lead to revenge,
Revenge again leads to war,
The dangerous cycle continues……

Different ideas should be respected,
Discussed upon, talked upon,
Consensus should be the way to solution,
Solution solves the problems,
No problems lead to happy life,
Happiness when shared doubles,
Sharing reduces despair,
Life is beautiful again…….

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